Weights & Biases sweeps

Weights & Biases (wandb) is a tool for tracking and visualizing machine learning experiments. It’s free for open source projects and has a free tier for commercial projects. It’s a great tool for tracking experiments, visualizing results, and sharing results with collaborators.

If you want to use wandb for hyperparameter sweeps, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Edit config/sweep/config_sweep_ppo.yaml or create an own sweep config.

    • Here you can find instructions for creating a configuration.

    • Make sure that you point to the right training config in your sweep config file.

    • In the training config which you are using as the basis for the sweep, make sure to track the right success metric. You find it under “benchmarking” along with instructions.

  2. Run

    wandb sweep -e your_entity -p your_project config/sweep/config_sweep_ppo.yaml to create a wandb sweep.
  3. Run

    wandb agent your_entity/your_project/sweep_name to start the sweep